
Configuration is available in Magento BackOffice under:

  • System > Configuration > Catalogue > Pimgento > Products
Configuration Usage
Enable Cron Enable or disable cron for products PIMGento import
Cron expression Cron configuration (when your file will be imported in PIMGento)
File CSV file you want to import in /var/import/
Clear cache Which caches you want to clear after the products import
Reindex Data Reindex data after the products import
PIM code exclusion List of products codes from the file you don’t want to import in Magento
Match attributes Mapping between Akeneo attributes and Magento attributes
Default Tax Class Magento tax class used
Add store to URL key Add the store code to the product url key to avoid key duplication
Create configurable Enable the creation of configurable products
Configurable attributes Attributes used for variation axis in configurable products if the variant import is disable
Default configurable attributes values Use the value column to force data for specific attribute. Leave empty to retrieve the value of the first simple product
Disable attributes updating for configurable Attributes you want to disable the update in case you don’t want to erase data

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